English language teachers perceptions about education received as english language teachers and a an educators at Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Cartagena Varas, Camila Fernanda
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The Education in our country has suffered many changes throughout years. The teacher´s role into the classroom has been affected in different ways; the relation among colleagues and students, and the problems that can be found at schools such as resources of Education. to qualify students according to the parameters of the Minist e ry In like manners we can identify important changes in classrooms regarding teaching tools such as ICTs that are malleable in relation with globalization provided that information changes every time and new contents are added in education themes. Because of this, another teaching tool that is inside of this change atmosphere is Lesson Plan, which in complementation with ICTs are the foundation of the development of the receptive an d reproductive skills such as Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. With this in mind we must understand the difficult relation regarding with classrooms and the changes produced by a globalized society in which we as teachers must face the continuing throughout time to improve our teaching and help creating changes an appropriate environment for Teaching Learning process. As English Teachers, we want to emphasize the importance of our role into the classroom because we work with people who have different ways of learning, skills and interests, these people who have developed their lives in different contexts and have different experiences; besides there are cases in which some of these students have special needs be ta ken into account whilst in t process. he TeachingL earning According to that, the final goal of this research study is to know if Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez gives future teachers, the main teaching tools to make them as competent teachers who are able to manage all these aspects.