Problems an difficulties faced by secondary school english teachers when using ICTS to teach, speaking and listening skills in an online/hybrid context
The following research presents a case study that describes the difficultiesfaced by teachers when using ICTs to teach listening and speaking skills insecondary education in a municipal school in Maipú in an online/hybrid context. Thiswas done through a semi-structured online questionnaire with semi-open-endedquestions and classroom observations with subsequent qualitative and quantitativeanalysis. The problems encountered were analyzed and discussed, as well as thefactors that have influenced teachers' actual classroom practices. In the same way,these problems were categorized based on common characteristics, whichsubsequently helped to generate proposals for solutions to eliminate or reduce thoseproblems. This study suggests that there are problems dealing with lack of ICTs'domain and knowledge, low implementation of the target language onlistening/speaking skills, poor implementation of new teaching strategies, as well asproblematic issues concerning ICTs and listening/speaking skills. In the same way,this study managed to propose possible solutions to these problems. Firstly,regarding ICTs, the proposals focused on autonomous learning, and the University,Schools and Ministry of Education's duties. Secondly, in terms of Language, thecategories for the proposals were: the teaching of speaking and listening skills, andthe implementation of methods that emphasize the significant importance of the useof English during the lesson. Finally, in relation to Lessons, the proposals dealt withthe Theory of Constructivism in online lessons, and the implementation ofself-assessments on the achieved or not achieved objectives.