Qualidade da democracia no contexto do goberno Bolsonaro: percepções de jovens integrantes de grupos e movimentos sociais da Campo Grande/MS

Do Santos, Brasdorico Merqueades
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This research aims to understand the perceptions of the quality of democracy among young
members of social groups and movements in the city of Campo Grande/MS, during the
Bolsonaro government. These perceptions arise from the social and political context that
characterizes the first three and a half years of his mandate. The research is framed within
a mixed-methods methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches through
strategies applied to a Case Study. For data analysis, techniques of univariate and bivariate
descriptive statistical analysis are used, which, together, seek to answer the question: what
is the perception of the quality of democracy, in the context of the government of Jair
Bolsonaro, among young members of social groups and movements in Campo Grande/MS?
It is concluded that the perception of the quality of democracy under the said government
is markedly negative, being considered disrespected, threatened, and weakened. Based on
the results obtained, it is intended to contribute to reflection on the subject, especially
concerning the youth of Campo Grande, promoting debate, political awareness, and the
implementation of public policies.
Keywords: 1- Perceptions; 2- Quality of democracy; 3- Youth; 4- Bolsonaro government
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