Exploring the role of "Consciousness raising" in the development of linguistic knowledge in the first grade of secondary school

Pino Jorquera, Catalina de los Ángeles
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The purpose of this research was to measure through the grammar focused on consciousness raising students acquired in a best way the target language and this was executed through the use of data show, reading comprehension, games, worksheets, among others. The motivation of the group to carry out this research is that the grammar in our country is devaluated by the national curriculum. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology was utilized in this study. The qualitative research data consisted of class observation and reflections of the teacher of each lesson implemented. The quantitative research data was gathered with the aid of a Pre and Post-test analyzed by a T-test. The Pre and Post-test were taken by the entire class. The results obtained the Pre and Post-test shows inefficient results and a poor knowledge of the grammar that it was going to be taught in the thematic unit, after the pre-test students had five lessons focused and grammar based on consciousness raising activities. After applying the five lessons students had to take another exam which was named as a post-test, substantial improvements were evidenced in all items compared the pre-test.