The effectiveness of the mentoring process at UCSH's english teaching program
This research is designed in order to know the real impact of mentoring process at UCSH’s English Training College. Firstly, we will define some key concepts for the present study, such as “peer tutoring” and “mentoring”, dealing with their similarities and differences. Moreover, through a quantitative and qualitative approach, we will seek the strengths and weaknesses of this program, so as to handle the necessary information to maximize learning gains during Mentoring Program. This has been done by examining a structured interview answered by mentees, which is related to their experience at Mentoring and deals with sociolinguistic, psychological and academic aspects of this topic. Therefore, with data analysis available, we will identify some aspects to improve and others to strengthen, which will permit us to build an improvement proposal according to the collected information through this study. This project will be the first investigation linked to mentoring process at UCSH’s English Training College, hence, it will be a considerable gain no matter what.