Classroom atmosphere and its influence in the teaching and learning process in the english class of students from the Metropolitan Region :five case studies
For years, the Chilean education system has been of great importance within the country, mainly due to the promotion of improving performance in all aspects related to education (schools, teachers, students, classroom climate, and educational institutions), this is why this research takes into account the relationship between the classroom atmosphere generated by 5 different teachers and the learning outcomes achieved by teachers in the various classes held. In this investigation five teachers from different schools located in the districts of Santiago Centro, Macul, Puente Alto, Providencia and San Miguel were observed and their classes analyzed for a period of four consecutive weeks, using different instruments such as field notes, interviews, pre-tests and post-tests, in order to check if the teacher creates an atmosphere conducive to learning, as stated in Domain B from "Marco para la Buena Enseñanza" from MINEDUC. The study results were useful to confirm the hypothesis and the stated objectives that guided this research. They showed that the teachers who followed the guidelines of the Domain B obtained better results than those who did not.