The effect of the use of mime as a communicative strategy in listening comprehension performance :a descriptive study on EFL beginners
The purpose of the following study is to describe the effect of mime as a communicative strategy in listening comprehension performance of EFL beginners. The procedu re of this study, which developed according to the quantitative approach and a experimental design, can be divided into three stages. The first stage consisted of the application of a pre of ninth grade students without the use of mime atest to two groups s a communicative strategy in order to test the students’ performance at the beginning of the study. The second stage was the implementation of a group . treatment in the experimental It consisted of a class planned to review contents that students had alr eady seen in tratment class and check new vocabulary. T he experimental group’s included the use of mime as a communicati teacher. Finally , the performance of both groups was ve strategy used by the assessed by means of a posttest based on selective and responsive listening comprehension tasks. The application of the posttest included the use of mime as a communicative strategy in a video tape and an audio recording in order to gather information about the students’ pe results with rformance after the intervention those obtained in the pretest . and compare these Thus, it could be observed differences between students in the control group and those the results obtained by the obtained by the students in the experimental group, in which was given the class communicative strategy . using mime as a Showing a decreament in the deficiencies of the experimental group . F inally, these results were interpreted sayi ng that mime as a communicative strategy enhances EFL beginners performance.