The effect of the use of monologues in the form of video capsules to foster production in emergency remote learning

Jiménez Quitral, Gabriela Ignacia
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Learning a foreign language might be the Achilles' heel for certain people, and for Chileans, English is the one. In Chile, people tend to avoid learning a foreign language, particularly when it comes to managing how to communicate orally. So, the natural question to ask is: What can we do to get students to speak more in the English class in the target language in Emergency Remote Learning? The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the use of monologues in the form of video capsules as a way to foster oral production in seventh-grade Chilean students in emergency remote learning (ERL) using topics or themes that suit their preferences and fit with the requirements proposed by the Chilean Ministry of Education. To achieve this goal or objective, a set of three interventions in a span of four weeks was carried out where the five participants from 7thgrade had to record a video of themselves using given prompts and instructions that were evaluated using a checklist based on pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and timing. The results showed that even though oral communication’s improvement in the participants was not high, through the use of videos, at least three out of five participants improved their speaking performance in relation to the beginning. Keywords:video capsules, oral communication, language, speaking.