The impact of the use of storytelling on the retention of vocabulary and motivations levels in 4th grade student´s in Chile

Arancibia Pino, Fabiola Elizabeth
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The present research deals with the problem of a scarce use of didactic
strategies and the use of traditional practices when teaching English as a foreign
language. For this reason, it researches the impact of using storytelling, as a
didactic strategy, in fourth graders in the “Liceo Manuel Barros Arriarán” in
Chile. This study aims at finding if storytelling is an effective strategy that helps
students to improve their vocabulary retention and levels of motivation. This will
be pursued through three storytelling interventions that will be carried out in one
of the groups of the sample. A mixed methodology is carried out to collect
quantitative data through the implementation of a pre-test and post-test, and
qualitative information to know students’ and the teacher’s perceptions in relation
to the intervention. After a statistical analysis it was found that the impact of
storytelling meant a significant improvement in the retention of vocabulary. Also,
according to students’ and teachers’ perceptions, the levels of motivation and
participation among the students showed an increase. It was concluded that the
effectiveness of storytelling is widely related to the optimal input hypothesis.
Also, as this strategy has been studied by other researchers, the present research
corroborates that it boosts motivation among students. It is hoped that this strategy can reduce the problems of acquiring vocabulary and the low levels of motivation
in the English classroom.
Keywords: Storytelling, motivation, vocabulary retention, didactic strategies.