Analysis of the impact of games that promote the oral production on the motivation of the students of 10th grade in English classes of a public school in Recoleta
For years, English teachers have had the difficult mission to know which methodology to use to motivate students to speak English; for this reason our research will try to find out and answer if the game is a valid tool to motivate students to use English orally. The research was conducted in two group classes, corresponding to second level of high school in a public school of the Municipality of Recoleta, where one was the control group and the other was the experimental group. The first had traditional classes of English and the second had classes with games or engage activities, so that we could compare the results that students revealed through surveys. The results were positive; for this reason the hypothesis was confirmed clarifying that games are viable tools to improve students´ motivation and also a different way to teach in 10th grade.